‘I’m an Endocrinologist, and These Are the 4 Things I Do for My Hormone Health’
H ormones, unfortunately, get a reasonably bad rap. While of that reputation is earned (hello, menstrual mood swings and ho-hum sex drive ), the reality is your hormones have an enormous impact on your overall health , so keeping their function in tip-top shape is important to your well-being. “The system may be a collection of glands that produce hormones that help regulate metabolism, development, sexual function, reproduction, sleep and even mood,” says Yasmin Akhunji , MD, an Arizona-based endocrinologist with Paloma Health . “When these glands aren't producing the proper amount of hormones, diseases can develop and affect many various aspects of your life.” It’s true: Whether it's endocrine-disrupting chemicals (which are often found in everything starting from food to the air to cosmetics) or a scarcity of sleep , the health of your hormones are often suffering from variety of things. Which is why you’ll want to concentrate closely as Dr. Akhunji weighs in on the items...